
Modeling Software for Design and Analysis of Sanitary Sewers


How big and deep should this pipe be? Do we have enough capacity to serve these customers? These are the typical problems that SewerCAD can help you solve.


Ideal for system design and the rehabilitation of sanitary sewers, SewerCAD will help you invest your capital improvement funds wisely with a wealth of easy-to-use and powerful modeling tools for building and preparing your sewer models effectively.
SewerCAD provides thousands of engineers at utilities and consulting firms around the world with tools to efficiently improve the quality of their designs:


Automated design and rehabilitation
  • Confidently recommend the most cost-effective pipe sizes and invert elevations, while meeting design restrictions, using SewerCAD’s constraint-based design of gravity pipes and structures for sanitary sewers.
Improved design productivity
  • SewerCAD’s ability to run from within MicroStation or AutoCAD enables you to model in a platform you are more familiar with and to take advantage of CAD environments and tools (e.g., superior layout, drafting capabilities). 
Improved decision making
  • Sound decision-making for your sanitary sewer system requires the consideration of multiple engineering scenarios, which is enabled by SewerCAD’s what-if scenario management.

SewerCAD Capabilities


Design sanitary sewers
  • Minimize capital investments by simply entering your design restrictions: velocities, slopes, cover depths, and pipe and manhole matching offsets. SewerCAD/SewerGEMS recommends the most cost-effective pipe sizes and invert elevations, avoiding unnecessary pipe trench excavation, while meeting design restrictions. ​​
Allocate and estimate sanitary loads
  • Apply hydrographs, patterned loads, and unit loads using a comprehensive and customizable engineering library. Use the LoadBuilder module to leverage consumption, flow monitoring, land use, or census data in your GIS to automatically estimate and import sanitary loads for your sewer model. ​
Build and manage hydraulic models
  • Jumpstart the model-building process and manage your model effectively, so that you can focus on making the best engineering decisions. Leverage and import virtually any external data format, which maximizes ROI on geospatial and engineering data, and automate terrain extraction and node allocation.
Simulate gravity and pressure hydraulics
  • Analyze complex sewer networks that contain any number of gravity or pressure pipe subnetworks. Accurately simulate pumps, pump controls (including variable speed drives), and the filling and draining of wet wells. ​