Bentley Pointools

When you need rapid point-cloud processing


Point-cloud Processing Software


Quickly visualize, manipulate, animate, and edit point clouds all in a single workflow. This streamlined process helps you decrease production time and increase overall accuracy.


Process point clouds for all your infrastructure projects with Bentley Pointools. 


  • High-performance point-cloud engine 
  • Fast level of detail, layer-based editing and segmentation of data 
  • Professional-quality images, animations, and movies 
  • Clash detection
Bentley Pointools is powered by Pointools Vortex, the industry’s leading point-cloud engine, which enables the support of very large point clouds. You can work on huge datasets with billions of points, manage scene parameters interactively, and rapidly load and unload native format point-cloud POD models. You will experience high-performance streaming with visual maximizing of point-cloud density, clarity, and detail.

With Bentley Pointools, you can easily import and view three types of objects: 
  • Point clouds, which can be imported from a large range of scanners
  • Textured 3D models, which can be imported from a number of common model formats
  • 2D CAD drawings, which can be imported from DXF, DWG, and SHP file formats
Generate professional-quality images, animations, and movies or produce high-resolution orthographic and perspective images to meet your project needs.

Bentley Pointools Capabilities


Create animations, videos, and fly-throughs
  • Produce high-resolution orthographic and perspective images by rendering snapshots of any size. Set image size and scales using output rulers, scale, and positioning for accurate reuse. Take advantage of the intuitive time-based fly-through and object animation system for quick and easy movie production.
Detect clashes from point clouds
  • ​Extend the value of point-cloud data into your design process. Whether you are utilizing Bentley's Navigator or Descartes products, clash detection between real-world data and proposed designs can be leveraged in your decision-making process.
Difference point clouds
  • Automatically identify differences between objects. You can compare two point clouds of the same area and identify any additions or CAPABILITIES
Create animations, videos, and fly-throughs
  • Produce high-resolution orthographic and perspective images by rendering snapshots of any size. Set image size and scales using output rulers, scale, and positioning for accurate reuse. Take advantage of the intuitive time-based fly-through and object animation system for quick and easy movie production.
Detect clashes from point clouds
  • ​Extend the value of point-cloud data into your design process. Whether you are utilizing Bentley's Navigator or Descartes products, clash detection between real-world data and proposed designs can be leveraged in your decision-making process.
Difference point clouds
  • Automatically identify differences between objects. You can compare two point clouds of the same area and identify any additions or subtractions present in the data. Use the difference tools to detect changes and monitor building-site progression over time and other management projects.
Edit point clouds
  • Edit huge data sets for point clouds using point layer technology for unmatched editing speed. Move points between 128 layers to isolate areas for detailed editing. Manipulate, clean up, or segment the point-cloud model to clean it, enrich it, and for easier reuse.
Process and visualize large point clouds
  • Work with and visualize huge datasets with billions of points with high-performance display. Visualize point clouds with a wide range of fully blendable shading options to enable easier visual interpretation.​
Review and annotate point clouds
  • Add notes to your point cloud to ensure everyone working on the project has the most up-to-date information, can review and measure the site remotely, and can prepare field operations. ​
  • subtractions present in the data. Use the difference tools to detect changes and monitor building-site progression over time and other management projects.
Edit point clouds
  • Edit huge data sets for point clouds using point layer technology for unmatched editing speed. Move points between 128 layers to isolate areas for detailed editing. Manipulate, clean up, or segment the point-cloud model to clean it, enrich it, and for easier reuse.
Process and visualize large point clouds
  • Work with and visualize huge datasets with billions of points with high-performance display. Visualize point clouds with a wide range of fully blendable shading options to enable easier visual interpretation.​
Review and annotate point clouds
  • Add notes to your point cloud to ensure everyone working on the project has the most up-to-date information, can review and measure the site remotely, and can prepare field operations.