Bentley Pointools View

Real-time point-cloud visualization


Imaging and Point-cloud App


Use Bentley Pointools View to provide feedback on a point-cloud model in progress or to review the final model. This app helps you accelerate approvals and reviews by allowing project reviewers, consultants, or clients to provide feedback quickly.


With Bentley Pointools View, you can:


  • Quickly view and examine very large point-cloud datasets
  • Accurately measure distances between points
  • Rapidly attach notes to points or models
  • Easily produce orthographic and perspective images

Bentley Pointools View Capabilities


Measure distances within a point cloud
  • Accurately measure distances between points. Use point information and point-to-point measurements.
Review and annotate point clouds
  • Add notes to your point cloud to ensure everyone working on the project has the most up-to-date information, can review and measure the site remotely, and can prepare field operations.
Visualize point clouds
  • Visualize point clouds with a wide range of fully blendable shading options to enable easier visual interpretation of imagery or movie content.