A large number of industries are getting benefited by our expertise. Our expertise covers computational and experimental analysis, project management, life cycle engineering solutions, basic and conceptual engineering, detailed engineering, procurement, engineering data evaluation, commissioning and initial start-up across a broad spectrum of projects.

Engineering Consulting:

Our engineers will be able to do consulting and Project Management utilizing the most up-to-date techniques, tools, procedures and our strongest offering is innovation. Our solutions always consider economics, feasibility, and timeliness.

Engineering Project Management:

Purely depending upon the project requirements, which we do realize demand flexibility at times in terms of resources and expertise, we allocate a dedicated team of personnel covering the complete hierarchy of overall resource requirement and also handle the sub-contracting works with our well-established procedures assuming the much-expected responsibility towards quality and deadlines.

At Ability Alliance of Canada, have developed and implemented Engineering services' capability through several years of hard-work of our knowledgeable human capital. Our collective experience and expertise is offered to our clients to help them efficiently manage and deliver their complex engineering projects timely and cost-effectively. We always engage experienced Project managers & Senior Lead Engineers possessing a reasonable level of flexibility and overall positive attitude to devote the right level of engineering expertise, quality and adaptability to the demanding Projects. We supply project management services throughout every phase of projects from permitting procedures, concept studies, design, supervision, testing and commissioning to project management.


We offer advanced structural analysis and complete structural integrity management services. This area of work is increasingly significant as assets reach the end of, or exceed their original design life.

We provide a comprehensive range of advanced structural analysis services: 

  • Code compliance assessment

  • Linear and non-linear finite element analysis

  • Seismic analysis

  • Structure noise and vibration assessment

  • Structural dynamics and post buckling response

  • Fracture mechanics and fatigue

  • In-situ measurements of stress, strain, pressure, temperature

Asset Integrity Management:

Robust structural integrity management is of critical importance to ensure continued production, the safety of those working and protection of the environment. We provide a technical authority role for clients and also manage structural verification and develop performance standards, support safety cases and provide emergency response services. We also provide a full range of support to our clients’ inspection and management of change needs.

Ability alliance of Canada undertakes studies typically involving collection of site data to validation / reconciliation and determination of bottlenecks.

Risk Based Inspection (RBI) Analysis:

We assess the status of pressurized equipment and structures through Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) process that identifies and evaluates the risk of their failure due to corrosion and stress. RBI addresses risks that can be controlled through proper inspections and analysis.

In this process our engineers design inspection strategies that most efficiently match forecasted or observed degradation mechanisms through:

  • Probability of Failure

  • Consequence of Failure

  • Risk Assessment (Define Risk Level)

  • Inspection Interval Calculation

With our RBI assessment, our clients can benefit from more reliable equipment and plant operation, safety increased, inspection cost optimization, increase engineering knowledge of equipment, and establish equipment database.