RAM Structural System’s Productivity Tool for Gravity Analysis and Design of Concrete Structures


RAM Concrete is the only fully integrated concrete analysis, design, and drafting package for structural engineers. While other software may make the same claims, no other package actually delivers by allowing you to model an entire concrete structure.


RAM Concrete is part of the RAM Structural System, the only system in the world that allows for the complete analysis, design, and drafting of the lateral and gravity framing systems of both steel and concrete buildings as well as their foundations.


RAM Concrete generates extensive design information and detailed prescriptive code checks. RAM Concrete not only provides the size, location, and quantity of the required member reinforcing, but also specifies the bar end conditions, bar extents, and stirrup and tie configuration. Spliced and hooked beam bars can be chosen where necessary by the optimization routine or can be specified by the user. An extensive set of design criteria menu options provides flexibility in customizing designs.

RAM Concrete Capabilities

Analyze gravity and lateral load
  • Design and analyze simple or complex structures for a wide range of loading conditions, including those induced by gravity such as dead and live loads, including skip conditions, in combination with lateral loads including wind and seismic.
Comply with seismic requirements
  • Design and detail seismic force-resisting systems, generating seismic loads according to the relevant building code. Consider these forces in the design of elements and, where applicable, the design of frames and the larger structural system. Enforce the ductility requirements of the selected design code in element proportioning and detailing.
Design beams, columns and walls
  • Optimize or analyze beams, columns, and walls for gravity and lateral loads to quickly obtain safe and economical designs. Confidently produce designs in compliance with global design specifications and building codes.
Design to international standards
  • Extend the reach of your business practice and take advantage of global design opportunities by using a wide range of international standards and specifications in our design products. Complete your designs with confidence thanks to extensive support of international standards.
Detail and schedule concrete reinforcing
  • Produce rebar placing drawings, including sections, plans, details, bar bending schedules, material take-offs and beam/column/footing schedules, all based on the 3D model. All schedules and drawings can be customized to adhere to your company’s standards for concrete projects.
Generate design loads and load combinations
  • Apply code-prescribed wind and seismic loads to the structure using built-in load generators. Calculate relevant loading parameters automatically based on the structural geometry, mass, and selected building code provisions without the need for separate hand calculations. Combine these lateral load cases with gravity and other types of loads using load combination generators.
Produce structural design documentation
  • Generate structural design documents including necessary plans and elevations that are used to convey the design intent. Changes made to the 3D model are automatically updated in the documentation.
Share structural models
  • Transfer structural model geometry and design results from one application to another and synchronize changes over time. Quickly share the structural model, drawings, and information with the entire team for review.